Nikisins, OlegsGreitans, ModrisFuksis, RihardsPudzs, MihailsSerzane, ZandaBrömme, ArslanBusch, Christoph2019-01-172019-01-172010978-3-88579-258-1 improvment of the reliability for biometric image-based identification systems is discussed in this paper. Accuracy rising of the verification process is based on two main principles: implementation of multidimensionality and advanced image acquisition. The multidimensionality principle is based on two factors: the system structure (multimodality of biometric system) and the acquired biometric data (visual and spatial information about the object). The advanced image acquisition is based on multi-view principle and photography that is sensitive in infrared spectrum.enIncreasing the reliability of biometric verification by using 3D face information and palm vein patternsText/Conference Paper1617-5468