Wich, TobiasNemmert, DanielHühnlein, DetlefFritsch, LotharRoßnagel, HeikoHühnlein, Detlef2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-671-8The present article provides a compact overview of the most important requirements of the so-called “Payment Services Directive 2” (PSD2) [Di15], together with the related Regulatory Technical Standard on authentication and communication [Eu17] according to Article 98, and outlines how the pivotal “Access-to-Account-Interface” can be securely implemented based on widely acknowledged international standards.enAccess controlStrong AuthenticationAuthorisationPayment Services Directive 2Identity ManagementSAMLOAuthOpenID ConnectSOAPRESTISO 20022Towards secure and standard-compliant implementations of the PSD2 Directive1617-5468