Terrenghi, LuciaLang, ThomasHegering, Heinz-GerdLehmann, AxelOhlbach, Hans JürgenScheideler, Christian2019-04-032019-04-032008978-3-88579-227-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/21376As data and services are increasingly distributed in the network, rather than stored in a fixed location, one can imagine a scenario in which the Personal Computer, intended as a static workstation, is really disappearing. In such a scenario, users’ interactions are going to be mediated by ad-hoc connected devices, whose specific functionalities enable people to interact with data and services in different ways. If this vision holds true, a personal mobile device can potentially serve the function of portable access point to data, services and devices. This implies that a novel conceptual model for interaction needs to be designed, as well as its user interface. This position paper aims at raising a discussion around this topic.enA Novel Conceptual Model for Accessing Distributed Data and Applications, as well as DevicesText/Conference Paper1617-5468