Weber, MartinKrieger, MarkusEngels, GregorLuckey, MarkusPretschner, AlexanderReussner, Ralf2019-02-202019-02-202010978-3-88579-254-3 Oriented Architecture (SOA) is nothing new. Using SOA in the company's IT-Landscape gives the ability to drive IT-Evolution through business and to enable better business operations through a more flexible, agile and low maintenance IT. Hence it's amazing that an SOA landscape is quite rare in globally operating companies. IT-Landscapes of global companies are often historically grown and therefore complex, not agile and need a lot of maintenance. So the question is how a company can adapt an SOA within their existent IT-Landscape realizing good benefit in an effective way. The approach described in this Methodology-Pattern deals exactly with that question and helps planning an SOA- Transformation with good benefit, which is consistently aligned to the business. Therefore, the newly developed SOA-Landscape has to be business driven. Hence SOA-Services will only be implemented where SOA-Service makes sense and SOA-Services are designed in a business-need-oriented way to guarantee good business support.enBusiness Driven SOA-Service Candidate IdentificationText/Conference Paper1617-5468