Balzert, HelmutBalzert, HeideZwintzscher, Olaf2018-01-162018-01-1620042004 acceptance of e-learning depends substantially on three factors: effective learning for the learners, effective providing of authors in producing learning contents and their economical application in enterprises and organizations. Optimal learning requires a representation and a dressing of teaching subjects, which consider the possibilities and boundary conditions of e-learning. In order to reduce arduous reading on the screen, e-learning-contents have to be available as scripts or books for the learners. The e-learning-platform W3L (Web Life Long Learning) realizes these requirements and makes “Blended Learning plus printr” possible. The W3L-Plattform can be acquired under license or used as ASP users.Agile Software DevelopmentArchitecture and ImplementationBlended LearningDidactics of E-LearningE-LearningSingle-Source-PublishingDie E-Learning-Plattform W3LText/Journal Article1861-8936