Eymann, TorstenSackmann, StefanMüller, Günter2018-01-162018-01-1620032003https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/12377The mobile and increasingly ubiquitous use of information technology leads to more dynamic, constantly self-reconfiguring networks. Their services are available anytime and anywhere; as software agents, they can make local, context-aware decisions. F. A. von Hayek developed a theory for economic coordination based on individual decision making. This paper presents the explanation concepts of economic self-organisation as at least one option for the design of decentralized coordination of information systems consisting of autonomous software agents with limited information processing capacity and incomplete information. Experiments using a multi-agent system show that a targeted change of this basic rule set directly influences the behaviour of the individual elements and indirectly the behaviour of the overall system.Catallaxydecentralized coordinationdistributed systemsHayekself-organizationsoftware agentsubiquitous computingHayeks Katallaxie — Ein zukunftsweisendes Konzept für die Wirtschaftsinformatik?Text/Journal Article1861-8936