Weng, XinyuGohlke, KristianReiterer, HaraldDeussen, Oliver2017-11-222017-11-222012978-3-486-71990-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7684El Niño is the prototype of a set of physical avatars for casual communication. The system is designed to enhance the emotional connection and awareness between people in long distance relationships by providing a low-threshold channel for casual communication. Two stationary anthropomorphic robots are used as tangible user interfaces that can mimic human emotions by displaying symbolic facial expressions on low-resolution screens, in order to reflect the emotional state of the user. The system allows its users to casually express their emotions over a distance through dedicated networked objects. El Niño is currently a functional work-in-progress prototype. The system was built and designed using a combination of open source hardware and a 3D-printed enclosure.enEl Niño - An Emotion Avatar for Casual, Collateral CommunicationText/Conference Paper