Borchard, KarstenRuckelshausen, ArnoMeyer-Aurich, AndreasBorchard, KarstenHofacker, ConstanzeLoy, Jens-PeterSchwerdtfeger, RolfSundermeier, Hans-Hennig, Floto, HelgaTheuvsen, Brigitte2019-05-282019-05-282018978-3-88579-672-5 conduct an online survey about 14 digital expressions at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences at the beginning of the winter term in October 2017. Students and Staff were also asked for six digital expressions from the field of agriculture.deOnline-SurveyKnowledge of digital (agricultural) expressionsstudents and staff of agricul-ture and nutritional ScienceUse of ICT„Digitale Kompetenz an der Hochschule“ –Wie kompetent sind Studierende und Mitarbeitende an der Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät im Bereich der ITK?Text/Conference Paper1617-5468