Tümler, JohannesErazo Sanchez, Juan EnriqueHänig, ChristianRöpke, RenéSchroeder, Ulrik2023-08-302023-08-302023978-3-88579-732-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/42192The combination of Virtual Reality (VR) and eye tracking allows to analyze how students use the presented VR content for learning. Here, we propose a novel approach to analyze eye tracking data in VR, even if no access to the VR software source code is given. This proof-of-concept leverages image classification methods to identify objects that captured the students' attention in VR. The method allows analysis of individual learning strategies and correlate those to individual learning outcomes.enVirtual RealityEducationEye TrackingMachine LearningImage ClassificationVirtual Reality, Eye Tracking and Machine Learning: Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Off-the-Shelve VR-SoftwareText/Conference Paper10.18420/delfi2023-321617-5468