Allam, NabilMahmoud, TariqJunker, HorstMarx Goméz, JorgePillmann, W.Schade, S.Smits, P.2019-09-162019-09-162011 have been research projects on Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems (CEMIS) during the last 20 years. Nowadays we have different CEMIS in the market that provide different approaches and techniques that are solving environmental (-related) issues in companies. However, such environmental information systems are rarely used. In addition, different projects in Asia and USA has been developing and implementing industrial ecology/symbiosis strategy. This strategy has generated new revenues and reduced environmental emissions and disposal costs, while simultaneously improving the quality of services and products. In her investigation, Elke Perl found out that CEMIS are rarely used in the German-speaking region (Perl, 2006). Following her research work, three rationales are mainly responsible for this situation. Collaborative Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems (Collaborative CEMIS) provide approaches to conquer the issue of rare use of CEMIS in the German-speaking region and support the efforts of collaborative work to gain the benefits of industrial symbiosis. In Collaborative CEMIS solution, Web Services and semantic techniques are involved. Collaborative CEMIS, been based on Web Services, provides powerful integration of environmental applications and data. Instead of being connected to several disparate environmental applications, Web Services-enabled collaborative CEMIS solution provides a connection point between these heterogeneous applications. This work will present a collaborative CEMIS solution that is mainly relying on the idea of supplying Web Services from one CEMIS that can be used from different company information systems to handle corporate environmental issues. The requirements will be discussed and model will be presented for such a system. The main goals of this solution is reducing the efforts to achieve a legal compliance environmental management and supporting the new perspective on industrial development resembling natural ecosystem to use energy, water, material, and human resources optimally while at the same time minimizing wastes and efforts of environmental management. It proposes an environmental collaboration between companies via summing up all the required information from different involved players in form of Web Services. In this solution, the companies will act as clients and providers at the same time. They are both requesting and supplying environmental data. They maintain their identities by not revealing the information regarding their resource details.A Central Collaborative CEMISText/Conference Paper