Johanssen, Jan OleKleebaum, AnjaBruegge, BerndPaech, BarbaraFelderer, MichaelHasselbring, WilhelmRabiser, RickJung, Reiner2020-02-032020-02-032020978-3-88579-694-7 summarize the paper \"How do Practitioners Capture and Utilize User Feedback during Continuous Software Engineering?\", which was presented at the 2019 edition of the IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) in Jeju Island, South Korea.enUser FeedbackUsage MonitoringUsage DataPractitionersContinuous Software EngineeringTool SupportExperience ReportInterview StudyUser Feedback Practices in Continuous Software EngineeringText/Conference Paper10.18420/SE2020_061617-5468