Błaszczyński, JerzyKosiedowski, MichałMazurek, CezaryWilk, SzymonStormer, HenrikMeier, AndreasSchumacher, Michael2019-07-112019-07-112006978-3-88579-185-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24001The telemedical portal is an environment that provides a set of communication, storage and decision support services. The telemedical portal is designed to support diversified clinical problems, therefore it should be flexible and extensible. To provide the required flexibility we separated the domain specific knowledge from the generic services. The domain knowledge is represented by ontologies and knowledge bases that describe specific problems. Such separation allows the coupling of services with various knowledge bases. We present the overall architecture of the telemedical portal and use the teleconsultation service and the knowledge base describing the problem of multiple organ injuries to present the separation and coupling. Specifically, we show how the generic teleconsultation service stores information and automatically creates the user interface using the provided knowledge base.enOntologies for knowledge modeling and creating user interface in the framework of telemedical portalText/Conference Paper1617-5468