Wiechers, MoritzNolte, AlexanderKsoll, MichaelHerrmann, ThomasKienle, AndreaBoll, SusanneMaaß, SusanneMalaka, Rainer2017-11-222017-11-222013978-3-486-77856-4https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/7512To support collaboration on wall-sized interactive displays we developed a system that is capable of distinguishing multiple users collaboratively interacting with a large surface at the same time. In order to allow for seamless switches between different modes of collaboration, the system uses camera based tracking that requires no additional hardware. The system also allows for exploiting the position of a user in front of the screen in order to show information about the users context directly in front of them. This information could e.g. indicate which item is currently used by whom during a collaborative session, so that all participants can coordinate their actions. We present a study in which we assess the quality of the distinction mechanism, show possibilities for improvement and describe how awareness of the actions of others could enhance collaboration.enwall-sized Displaycollaborationuser trackingkinectawarenessUser Tracking for Collaboration on Interactive Wall-Sized Displaysmuc: langbeitrag (vorträge)