Rohrmus, DominikSimon, AnjaWillner, AlexanderRentschler, Markus2021-12-142021-12-142021978-3-88579-708-1 open, neutral, pre-competitive, ministerial financed five testbeds of the non-profit German industry association Labs Network Industrie 4.0 are based on more than 120 active Industrie 4.0 use cases. Almost all address the topic of cross-vendor interoperability. The testbeds support future standard development by a neutral validation process. This process is fully aligned with the standardization bodies like IEEE or IEC and covered by liaison contracts. The testbeds cover the areas of the Asset Administration Shell, OPC UA companion specifications, TSN and Edge Management. The BMWi Industry 4.0 Competence Centers like Augsburg are the host of the testbed and provides a factory hall as well as all the technical equipment for the document work and the implementation.enIndustrie 4.0neutral testbedsstandardizationcross-vendor interoperabilityTSNOPC UACompanion SpecificationsEdge ManagementNeutral Interoperability Testbeds10.18420/informatik2021-157Industrie 4.0 neutral cross-vendor interoperability testbeds together with medium enterprises1617-5468