Fuchs-Kittowski, FrankPfützner, BerndPreuß, TobiasFischer, FabianBeck, TilmanBartusch, SarahHosenfeld, FriedhelmKnetsch, GerlindeZacharias, Uta2019-09-202019-09-202015https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/27696With increasing damage caused by natural disasters like flood events in the last decade, the implementation of effective flood management systems has become an important topic. In this paper the hydrological mobile crowd sourcing system KoPmAn is presented, that uses mobile crowdsourcing to integrate water level data collected by the public in a flood management system. The underlying concepts, the architecture, and the implementation of KoPmAn are presented.Mobiles Crowdsourcing von PegeldatenText/Conference Paper