Chiabai, AlineMaurer, LisaGreve, KlausCremers, Armin B.2019-09-162019-09-162010 paper proposes a model to analyse the demand for ICT in key areas of environmental research, including climate change, natural resources, energy and biodiversity. The study applies stated preference techniques (based on surveys) and utility models to analyse the users’ preferences for ICT tools in different areas. Four on-line questionnaires have been administered in the period December 2009 – January 2010 to experts and end-users working in the above mentioned research areas. Results of the surveys show that ICT-related tools and activities need to be developed and implemented in specific contexts, taking into account users’ needs and expectations. The choice of the contexts for ICT development is strategically important as it provides the direction for future research. In particular, the use of e-participation and egovernance tools for decision-making is still not mature compared to other tools and systems. The study findings thus call for a broader development of participatory processes that can help policy makers in taking more effective decisions over the territory, based on the stakeholders’ views and aspirations.Analysis of ICT Research Demand in Environmental Research: A User.Centric ApproachText/Conference Paper