Hilbrich, MarcusMüller-Pfefferkorn, RalphMühl, GeroRichling, JanHerkersdorf, Andreas2019-10-302019-10-302012978-3-88579-294-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/29517Job centric monitoring allows to observe jobs on remote computing resources. It may offer visualisation of recorded monitoring data and helps to find faulty or misbehaving jobs. If installations like grids or clouds are observed monitoring data of many thousands of jobs have to be handled. The challenge of job centric monitoring infrastructures is to store, search and access data collected in huge installations like grids or clouds. We take this challenge with a distributed layer based architecture which provides a uniform view to all monitoring data. The concept of this infrastructure called SLAte and an analysis of the scalability is provided in this paper.enAchieving scalability for job centric monitoring in a distributed infrastructureText/Conference Paper1617-5468