Tchuegoue Djeukoua,Louis RogerKreho,EdinBelaidi,SiwarWaedt,KarlDemmler, DanielKrupka, DanielFederrath, Hannes2022-09-282022-09-282022978-3-88579-720-3 frontend and backend are found in all software and therefore also on all websites. These two terms describe two different layers that make up programs or pages. About two thirds of all companies have their own website, and most employees use computers.Globally, cyberattacks are becoming more prominent and spreading to multiple areas, and the move to Industry 4.0 requires increased security measures. Important security precautions must be taken from the development of industrial devices that use the Industrial Internet of Things, with IEC 62443, ISO/IEC 27001, and their integration into the architecture of existing information and automation systems must be secure. IEC 62443 focuses on the IT security of so-called industrial automation and control systems (IACS), which are necessary for the safe and reliable operation of automated factories or infrastructures. ] Since security breaches are inevitable, it is also important to implement detection and response mechanisms in industrial automation and control systems (IACS). Together, these measures will enable various organizations to achieve an appropriate level of resilience. This paper discusses the interactive graphical representation of large-scale industrial automation systems for the purpose of modeling and evaluating cybersecurity during all phases of the industrial equipment life cycle. In addition, it addresses the expressiveness and scalability of front-end graphical problems by assuming that a multi-user back-end server with a semi-formal representation of cybersecurity-related artifacts is available, at least in software prototype form.enIndustrial Automation and Control SystemWeb FrameworkGraphical User Interfacebi-directional data bindingcooperative real-time developmentCybersecurityAttack ScenariosCyber Physical SystemInteractive graphical modeling of security artefacts for abstracted Industry 4.0 automation systems10.18420/inf2022_1361617-5468