Matthes, FlorianBuckl, SabineSchweda, Christian M.Engels, GregorLuckey, MarkusSchäfer, Wilhelm2019-02-202019-02-202010978-3-88579-253-6 architecture (EA) and the holistic management thereof are topics of ongoing interest from practitioners, standardization bodies, and researchers. Not surprisingly, a large number of different approaches, frameworks, and guidelines for EA management have been developed in the last years, all targeting different aspects of the architecture and the corresponding management function, respectively. Therefore, a multitude of linguistic communities emerged around the subject, each using its distinct terminology as well as forms of presenting the approaches, frameworks, and guidelines. In this light, especially practitioners may find it increasingly complex to contribute their experience to the body of knowledge in the field of EA management. EA management patterns (EAM patterns) form a technique to bring together practicedriven development and academic research. In the form of EAM patterns, both practitioners and researchers can identify, document, and exchange best practices for the management of EAs. An EAM pattern thereby describes a general, reusable solution to a common problem in a given organizational context. It identifies driving forces, known usages, and consequences. Such patterns can be specified on different levels of abstraction and detail, e.g. as a method for enterprise modeling, or a reference model for the EA management function. Furthermore, EAM patterns address social, technical, and economic issues in a balanced manner. The PEAM workshop wants to provide a platform on which EAM best practices can be discussed and promulgated among European researchers and practitioners with experience in EA management and nearby topics. This is also reflected in the workshop’s make-up consisting of a half-day “classical” workshop, during which research papers on EAM patterns are discussed, and a one-day pattern workshop. On this day, EAM patterns are subjected to intense discussions, where new ideas are collaboratively developed. With this twofold structure, the PEAM workshop brings together the advantages of classical paper-workshops and of pattern-workshops in the tradition of the pattern language conferences of the Hillside Group, as e.g. the PLoP®.en2nd european workshop on patterns for enterprise architecture management (PEAM2010)Text/Conference Paper1617-5468