Stone, Rob2020-04-092020-04-092020 is a language spoken and transcribed by those without literacy. A form of capital produced by those without knowledge of its production. Our data has become a language owned as a capital. The concentration of ownership over “data capital” has created an unprecedented asymmetry of information and economic power; which calls into question the viability of a political and economic democracy. Meanwhile, we are presented with a singular yet temporary opportunity to take back ownership and control over the new language of power by claiming ownership over the productive power of the data we collectively serve to create. The following essay seeks to examine (a) the distinct nature of current technology platforms (b) the network effects at work within such platforms (c) the implications of replacing a platfrom owned by “absenstee” shareholders with one owned by those who comprise the platform/network.enDemocracy and the language of powerText/Journal Article10.1007/s00287-020-01243-w0170-6012