Ghellal, SabihaMussin, NickMorrison, AnnDiefenbach, SarahHenze, NielsPielot, Martin2017-11-222017-11-222015978-3-11-044392-9 Roaring Hammock is an experimental transmedia installation aimed at exploring holistic experiences through an interactive artefact and its surroundings. This interactive hammock uses microcontrollers, sensors, audio and visual feedback to create an interactive holistic experience. Participants can playfully influence the hammock by rocking or swinging and become part of the installation. With the Roaring Hammock we investigate speculation by inviting participants to actively explore (through their own embodied actions) to find out how the hammock works without instruction.Speculative PlayPerformativityTransmedia InstallationEmbedded ExperiencesThe Roaring HammockText/Workshop Paper