Hey, TobiasKeim, JanCorallo, SophieKoziolek, AnneLamprecht, Anna-LenaThüm, ThomasBurger, Erik2025-02-142025-02-1420252944-7682https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/45786The paper assesses the potential of requirements classification approaches to identify parts of requirements that are irrelevant for automated traceability link recovery between requirements and code. We were able to show that automatic identification of parts of requirements that do not describe functional aspects can significantly improve the recovery performance and that the parts can be identified with an F1-score of 84 %.enRequirements ClassificationTraceability Link RecoveryRequirements EngineeringMachine LearningInformation RetrievalLarge Language Models (LLM)Requirements Classification for Traceability Link Recovery10.18420/se2025-252944-7682