Burzlaff, FabianEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5Automating component coupling has been around for various decades. In fact, in the last few years’ interface and component matching progress seems not to be regarded as a hot-topic in research. However, reappearing paradigms such as decentralized and flexible production scenarios are again in need for automated system coupling. This is mainly due to the increasing number of heterogeneous devices. Building upon existing component integration research, this PhD project introduces case-based reasoning techniques for formalizing integration knowledge to overcome standardization requirements. As a consequence, integration knowledge becomes reusable.enKnowledge-driven architecture compositionInteroperabilitySemantic IntegrationDynamic Adaptable SystemsIndustrial Internet of ThingsKnowledge-driven Architecture Composition10.18420/in2017_240On the usage of case-based formalization methods for reliable and automated component coupling1617-5468