Panev, KirilMichel, SebastianMilchevski, EvicaPal, KoninikaMitschang, BernhardNicklas, DanielaLeymann, FrankSchöning, HaraldHerschel, MelanieTeubner, JensHärder, TheoKopp, OliverWieland, Matthias2017-06-202017-06-202017978-3-88579-659-6A novel approach to explore databases using ranked lists is demonstrated. Working with ranked lists, capturing the relative performance of entities, is a very intuitive and widely applicable concept. Users can post lists of entities for which explanatory SQL queries and full result lists are returned. By refining the input, the results, or the queries, users can interactively explore the database content. The demonstrated system was previously presented at VLDB 2016 and is centered around our PALEO framework for reverse engineering OLAP-style database queries. How is this useful for exploring data?enExploring Databases via Reverse Engineering Ranking Queries with PALEOText/Conference Paper1617-5468