Gerl, Arminvon der Heyde, MarkusGroß, RainerSeck, RainerWatkowski, LauraReussner, Ralf H.Koziolek, AnneHeinrich, Robert2021-01-272021-01-272021978-3-88579-701-2 Bavarian higher education environment is aiming to renew its IT strategy. The overall objective is to find an organisational solution which allows both local independence and collaborative solutions in those areas which are either commodities or which are too complex or costly to be solved several times in parallel. All Bavarian CIOs are engaged in the development of a model which respects local governance to be included into the overarching IT strategy of Bavaria, potentially Germany and Europe. As a common framework, COBIT was chosen to structure the process and guarantee completeness. The application of COBIT was started by the agreement to a common model. Further, the description of the respective responsibilities and competencies for all stakeholders was defined. We share this current state of the discussion with the broader community of higher education to promote further discussions about methods and objectives.enIT governanceCOBIThigher educationApplying COBIT 2019 to IT Governance in Higher Education10.18420/inf2020_471617-5468