Endmann, AnjaKeßner, DanielaZiegler, Jürgen2017-11-202017-11-202016https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/6221Companies are more and more interested in providing a positive user experience (UX). The aim is to offer a smooth and pleasant experience with the application at hand. As UX consultants, we often face the following basic questions at the start of user experience projects: How can we learn about the user processes in the scope of the project, that is, the activities a user needs to perform to achieve a certain goal? How can we gather the essential steps and stages of the user process and the experiences accompanying them? How do we identify where in the process user research is needed? In order to help answer these questions, we suggest the method of User Journey Mapping, which we developed and refined in the course of seven customer projects.UsabilityUser ExperienceUser ResearchDesignUser Journey MapMethodUser Journey Mapping – A Method in User Experience DesignText/Journal Article2196-6826