Hornecker, EvaHalloran, JohnFitzpatrick, GeraldineKoschke, RainerHerzog, OttheinRödiger, Karl-HeinzRonthaler, Marc2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-206-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/22548We report on a project that demonstrates how fieldtrips can be structured and delivered in novel ways, and how they can extend the range of curricula that can be addressed – in this case to literacy. After describing a fieldtrip to support creative writing, which employed UbiComp technologies, we focus on how outcome and process were affected, and how working with a mobile device was perceived in comparison to working with worksheets on traditional fieldtrips.enTaking Literacy Beyond The ClassroomText/Conference Paper1617-5468