Jukić, TinaVintar, MirkoKrimmer, Robert2019-10-162019-10-162006978-3-88579-180-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/29167The paper presents the results of the research, focused on Slovenian parliamentary deputies' position on e-democracy with the stress on remote e- voting. It examines the difference in the position on e-democracy and e-voting of deputies aligned with the political right and left respectively. Furthermore, it considers deputies' attitude to the initiatives mediated via e-mail and assesses the risks and impact that the deputies see in e-voting. They were asked to what level they supported the implementation of e-voting and when, in their opinion, Slovenia would start e-voting tests. Finally the authors indicate the most interesting findings of the survey.enE-voting in Slovenia: The view of parliamentary deputiesText/Conference Paper1617-5468