Iversen, AnnaMeyer-Aurich, AndreasGandorfer, MarkusBarta, NorbertGronauer, AndreasKantelhardt, JochenFloto, Helga2019-05-212019-05-212019978-3-88579-681-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/23068What kind of marketing strategies can lead to achievement of the critical mass on the agricultural market in Germany? To answer this question, all currently existing farm management startups in Germany were selected and the ones with critical mass were identified. Their marketing strategies were qualitatively analyzed and triangulated with the marketing strategies of online marketplaces.encritical massfarm managementstartupsGermanymarketplacesMarketing strategies of the German farm management information systems startups that reached critical massText/Conference Paper1617-5468