Stiel, FlorianTeuteberg, FrankCunningham, Douglas W.Hofstedt, PetraMeer, KlausSchmitt, Ingo2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-640-4The IS research community has paid significant attention to climate change and other ecological problems. However, the communities own environmental footprint has been subject to little research so far. This work reports on the results of a Life Cycle Assessment that was conducted to identify the main determinants for the environmental footprint of an IS conference. It brings up the painful subject that also the scientific community has its substantial contribution to environmental degradation. Our work suggests that this contribution can be significantly reduced by only a few very effective instruments. Scientists are encouraged to enter the discourse on the environmental footprint of academic work in order to enhance Green IS research.enOn the environmental footprint of an IS conferenceText/Conference Paper1617-5468