Wittmann, JochenEverding, Aljoscha MarcelRitter, FabianJohannsen, Vivian KvistJensen, StefanWohlgemuth, VolkerPreist, ChrisEriksson, Elina2019-09-162019-09-162015https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/25669Off the coast of La Gomera sightings of whales and dolphins in the context of tourism whale watching tours are recorded continuously since 1995. The tour operators work together with the German registered association M.E.E.R. e.V., which has set itself the target to evaluate the data scientifically. The aim of this thesis is to develop requirements on a process model for acquisition and analysis of this data material. The recording of the data is performed under difficult environmental conditions in the open sea. The data material should be stored persistently in a database that is accessible to both the employees (full access) and the tourists (limited access) on La Gomera, but on the other hand is also the basis for the scientific evaluation.With appropriate role and rights concepts it shall be prevented, that data is distributed too widely and the animals in the observation area are disturbed. Otherwise the requirements for simple access for all interested parties will be fulfilled. This paper proposes a web-access on the protected database and adds a data export for statistical analysis and a geographically based interface via an adequate layer structure in the GIS ArcMap.A process model for preparation and analysis of cetacean sighting data off the coast of La GomeraText/Conference Paper