Thurner, ReinholdMetz, GeorgHeiß, Hans-UlrichPepper, PeterSchlingloff, HolgerSchneider, Jörg2018-11-272018-11-272011978-88579-286-4 models for IT, IT-Operations (ITIL), IT-Development (CMMI), IT-Governance (COBIT) are important means to establish assessable quality measurement and control for the IT-industry. The systems are evolving to a common model and become increasingly complex. A flexible architecture and a powerful infrastructure are required to support the development, publishing, training and practical application of these models. The first part of this paper takes a broad view on existing process models and their development. The second part explains a generalized architecture for the representation of process models. The third part describes the Metasafe Repository as a data platform (DBMS) to manage the models and the instance data of IT-processes.enRepresentation of process modelsText/Conference Paper1617-5468