Klaus, Jens-MichaelMagedanz, ThomasMüller, PaulGotzhein, ReinhardSchmitt, Jens B.2019-10-112019-10-1120053-88579-390-3https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/28440The document will give a brief overview of the Presence and Availability -specification in general, protocols used in the IP Multimedia Subsystem - namely SIP and Diameter - and will show a possible mapping for PAM-methods to the underlying infrastructure. In addition it will describe the IMS infrastructure developed at Fraunhofer Fokus and the implementation of the PAM-serverenIMSParlayPresenceAvailabilityUMTSSIPDiameterservice enablerParlay PAM in 3GPP's IP-multimedia subsystemText/Conference Paper1617-5468