Pitlik, LászlóSchiefer, GerhardWagner, PeterMorgenstern, MarliesRickert, Ursula2019-10-152019-10-1520043-88579-378-4https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/29043Assuring objectivity in object comparison as an online and local service can be provided on the base of COCO method and by means of the Roxfort strategy via search tuning in MCM. This kind of services supports individual decisionmaking on the field of each investment problems. Furthermore this service is able on society level to support the protection of consume society against to unwanted effects of marketing strategies. Hereby COCO has a role as catalyst for increasing conscious behaviour patterns, which prefer correct price-output relations.enComponent-based object comparison for objectivityText/Conference Paper1617-5468