Hellenbrand, AndreasBecker, Michael2021-03-092021-03-092020978-3-88579-750-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/35778Mobile messaging applications are used widely for group communication using group chats. Most messenger platforms rely on their centralized infrastructure to maintain the group states. This can imply privacy issues and allow potential misuse by the messenger providers. To resolve this privacy implications, a decentral approach can be implemented. The decentral protocol presented in this work is based on the Delegated Proof of Stake consensus protocol and uses a blockchain to store the groups state. The main focus of this work is the optimization of the protocol to be able to deal with the asynchronous environment of mobile applications.enBlockchainDPoSGroup ChatsAsynchronous and Decentral Group Management in Messengers with Delegated Proof of StakeText/Conference Paper1614-3213