Singh, SnigdhaSchmid, LarissaKoziolek, AnneKelter, Udo2022-11-242022-11-242020 Middleware (MOM) with priority queues reduces the latency of critical events. In general, MOM uses a FIFO queuing methodology. But, different application scenarios require certain critical events with higher priority to be served earlier over low-priority events, so that the subscriber of the event consumes the high-priority event with less delay. In the context of the Palladio Component Model (PCM), MOM-based systems have been modelled considering message queue length and latency as metrics for performance prediction and simulation. However, the approaches did not consider modelling MOM with priority queues and their impact on performance. We will first, discuss the existing approaches in PCM which support performance prediction for MOM-based systems and then propose how they can be extended to support performance predictions for MOM with priority queuing. We will then conclude which approach is best suited to extend by assessing their capabilities to predict performance metrics relevant for priority queuing, especially the delay of individual events at the subscriber end.enMessage-Oriented MiddlewarePalladioperformancepredictionpriority queuePerformance Modelling of Message-Oriented Middleware with Priority QueuesText/Conference Paper0720-8928