Trommler, MarcoWagner, WolfgangScipal, KlausKidd, RichardPillmann, WernerTochtermann, Klaus2019-09-162019-09-162002 moisture is a key state variable of the global energy, water and carbon cycles and is such of crosscutting importance for a wide range of scientific applications. A method for soil moisture retrieval from space borne radar data, developed at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of Vienna University of Technology, is opening new possibilities to provide soil moisture data for science and real-time applications. A recently established World Wide Web site makes the data available to the global community. The present paper discusses the Global Soil Moisture Archive and summarizes first experience with the information portal.Scientific Information Portal in the World Wide Web: The Global Soil Moisture Archive 1992 - 2000 from ERS Scatterometer DataText/Conference Paper