Hagedorn, StefanSattler, Kai-UweMeyer, HolgerRitter, NorbertThor, AndreasNicklas, DanielaHeuer, AndreasKlettke, Meike2019-04-152019-04-152019978-3-88579-684-8https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/21821The task of the Data Science Challenge as part of the BTW 2019 conference is to analyze air quality data collected by the luftdaten2 project. This project provides sensor measurements recorded from volunteers around the world. With do-it-yourself setups people can deploy their own sensors and report various environmental values to the project’s servers, where they are made available as open data for further analyses. Thus, data is available only in regions where volunteers decided to participate in the project. Since in our city, Ilmenau, as well as in the state Thuringia only very few sensors are present, we decided to shift our focus to a broader area around Thuringia.enData Science ChallengeBig Data AnalyticsPeaks and the Influence of Weather, Traffic, and Events on Particulate Pollution10.18420/btw2019-ws-331617-5468