Drüner, MarcEichler, GeraldKüpper, AxelSchau, VolkmarFouchal, HacèneUnger, HerwigEichler, GeraldKüpper, AxelSchau, VolkmarFouchal, HacèneUnger, Herwig2019-01-112019-01-112011978-3-88579-280-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/18996Even at a basic level we all know how to use social media, well, to the point where we can post a Facebook update or even send a Tweet. But the most of us do not really understand its power nor how you can use that power effectively. Social media is leading the biggest transformation in communication and advertising. During this talk Prof. Dr. Drüner highlights the phenomena of social media and points out the opportunities and risks for small and medium-sized enterprises. A second part will be the impact of social media on the opinions of consumers and how companies can use social media data with opinion mining and social media tracking methods.enUnderstanding the power of social mediaText/Conference Paper1617-5468