Mejía, Julián RicoIsaías, Oscar Aguilar AguilaPaschapur, PriyankaGesellschaft für Informatik2021-12-152021-12-152021978-3-88579-751-7 paper presents the development of an anomaly detector for robotic movements using the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm and its implementation in Matlab. Data was collected by mounting the Bosch Cross-Domain Development Kit (XDK) sensor on a collaborative robot arm (Cobot), aiming at industrial applications in need for motion anomaly detection during repetitive tasks. The paper discusses practical issues like parameter tuning as well as algorithmic variants such as de­coupling accelerometer and gyroscope data.enMachine LearningDynamic Time WarpingAnomaly DetectionBosch XDKCollaborative RobotAnomaly Detection in Motion Timeseries using the Bosch XDK and Dynamic Time Warping1614-3213