Mayer, Walter H.Claupein, WilhelmTheuvsen, LudwigKämpf, AnitaMorgenstern, Marlies2019-02-202019-02-202010978-3-88579-252-9 current and future food insecurity situation of many nations has been effected by factors like global warming, population growth, bio-energy, low technology acceptance, unfavourable policies, sustainability criteria, changing natural risk-management and subsidies. Food availability is a basic human need and, if left unattended undermines any other development effort. Sustainability-, agriculture-, forestryand environmental targets are interlinked and influence each other. There are needed new types of land management covering protection of land and biodiversity, guaranteeing a sustainable management and a multipurpose land use, optimising the economical benefit and evaluating the land use potential with its carrying capacity. ICT technologies underplayed with expert data, easy to use software- and precision farming technologies will be essential to achieve a sustainable bettering - if no-one is suspended. Even small-farmers must have access to know-how, equipment and technologies to optimise the food production processes by taking into account nutritional and/or biomass targets and to secure a sustainable agricultural development. Training of land owners, new types of advisory services and a rise of public awareness must be accompanying measures.enPrecision farming also for small scale farmersText/Conference Paper1617-5468