Fang, YuanShibo, WangLizhan, ZengJianxin, JinPlödereder, E.Grunske, L.Schneider, E.Ull, D.2017-07-262017-07-262014978-3-88579-626-8This paper describes a design approach to Lorentz motors that serve as active damping component applicable in dynamic vibration isolators used for integrated $circuit(IC)$ equipments. To satisfy the demand of high force density in constrained space and high current accuracy of motor drive for active damping, an analytical layer model with proper simplifications is employed to get preliminary dimensions, then a 3-D finite $element(FE)$ model is built and analyzed to obtain a further optimal result. Finally a motor drive including current regulation circuit, H- bridge drive circuit, LC filter circuit and the current feedback circuit is developed. The performance of the motor is evaluated by experiments.enDesign and analysis of a Lorentz linear motor for precision vibration-isolationText/Conference Paper1617-5468