He, QiangYan, JunYang, YunKowalczyk, RyszardJin, HaiKowalczyk, Ryszard2019-05-062019-05-062007978-3-88579-211-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/22155A critical issue in the Service Level Agreement management for service composition is to control the relationship between the composite service and the component services in the negotiation. However, existing approaches are inefficient. This paper presents a novel agent-based collaborative approach to address this problem. We introduce a negotiation protocol, under which the agents on the service providers’ side collaborate by exchanging information with each other to gain global knowledge of the negotiation. The collaboration can facilitate the progress of the negotiation. We also discuss the corresponding impact on the decision making strategies.enAgentNegotiationService CompositionService Level AgreementTowards Collaborative Service Level Agreement NegotiationText/Conference Paper1617-5468