Carl,K. ValerieDemmler, DanielKrupka, DanielFederrath, Hannes2022-09-282022-09-282022978-3-88579-720-3 digital technologies and the omnipresent digitalization bear chances but also threats for companies and consumers. Especially data privacy and security risks remain one key concern of consumers. However, fulfilling legally binding requirements is not sufficient anymore for many consumers. Instead, consumers expect companies to behave ethically responsible and voluntarily assume more responsibilities in the digital context, particularly related to data privacy and security. Broader approaches, like the emerging concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility, make it possible to see responsibility with regard to data privacy and security in the broader context of a company’s digital responsibilities and thus to develop a more holistic understanding. However, responsible behavior alone is not enough; rather an adequate communication is the evaluation basis of consumers. Accordingly, this work-in-progress evaluates current corporate communication regarding data privacy and security from an ethical view, thus illustrating best practices and paving future paths for corporate communication.endata privacydata securitycompany communicationbest practicescommunication guidelinesCorporate Digital Responsibility.The status-quo of companies' data privacy and security communication: An ethical evaluation and future paths10.18420/inf2022_181617-5468