Nefzger, ArminFretag,UlrikeFuchs-Kittowski, FrankHosenfeld, FriedhelmAbecker, AndreasReineke, Anja2019-11-222019-11-222018 paper presents a web application of the Bavarian State Government for 3D visualization of wind turbines in their surroundings. The interactive software “3D-Analyse” virtually shows the visual impact on the character of local landscape. The simulation provides a 3D landscape of the whole of Bavaria, in which you can move freely, set wind turbines and view from any perspective. In addition to the visualization further analysis tools are offered such as a distance measurement, visibility calculation and shadow simulation. The application is a functional extension to the map viewer of the Energie-Atlas Bayern (the energy turnaround portal of the Bavarian State Government) and provides pictures close to reality to serve, for instance, public participation in planning processes.de3D-Visualisierung von Windenergieanlagen in der Landschaft – Webanwendung „3D-Analyse“Text/Conference Paper