Barbaresi, AdrienBurghardt, ManuelMüller-Birn, Claudia2018-09-112018-09-112018 article deals with the detection and projection of spatial patterns in text collections. Especially for historical corpora, researchers face a lack of general-purpose tooling. In these experiments, different maps focusing on Brandenburg at the second half of the 19th century are created based on literary works by Theodor Fontane. Using a common ground for hypothesis testing and visualization, issues related to data curation and preparation, text processing and geocoding are presented and discussed: the abstract, static nature of the results should be made up for by particular scrutiny and contextualization, by critical machine reading and by adding depth through visual cues.enGeoparsingSpatial humanitiesHistorical text archivesBorderlands of text mapping: Experiments on Fontane's BrandenburgText/Workshop Paper10.18420/infdh2018-05