Grund, JonasUmfahrer, MoritzBuchweitz, LeaGay, JamesTheil, ArthurKorn, OliverAlt, FlorianSchneegass, StefanHornecker, Eva2020-09-162020-09-162020 and work-oriented assistive systems are often designed to fit the workflow of neurotypical workers. Neurodivergent workers and individuals with learning disabilities often present cognitive and sensorimotor characteristics that are better accommodated with personalized learning and working processes. Therefore, we designed an adaptive learning system that combines an augmented interaction space with user-sensitive virtual assistance to support step-by-step guidance for neurodivergent workers in electronic assembling tasks. Gamified learning elements were also included in the interface to provide self-motivation and praise whenever users progress in their learning and work achievements.enaugmented realitygamificationautismconversational interfacesassistive technologycognitive and learning disabilitiesvirtual agentA gamified and adaptive learning system for neurodivergent workers in electronic assembling tasksText/Conference Paper10.1145/3404983.3410420