Gringel, PhilippPostina, MatthiasEngels, GregorLuckey, MarkusPretschner, AlexanderReussner, Ralf2019-02-202019-02-202010978-3-88579-254-3 are an effective way to express solutions to constantly occurring problems in software engineering. Books like Erich Gamma's Design Patterns ([Gam94]) or Martin Fowler's Analysis Pattern ([Fow96]) helped to develop a common understanding of problem solving in this field. The pattern catalog developed by members of the chair Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) of TU-Munich ([BELM08]) addresses patterns related to reoccurring problems in enterprise architecture management (EAM) and the authors are still working on this catalog. [BELM08] mentions several concerns related to SOA but is missing patterns concerning the initiation of SOA. This contribution will elaborate on an I-Pattern related to SOA-initiation on the basis of [EHH+08]. The focus lies on the problem of gap analysis on application landscapes as stated in [PSS09] and will further add metrics for gap analysis to this I-Pattern.enI-pattern for gap analysisText/Conference Paper1617-5468