Promegger, BernhardWimmer, GeorgUhl, AndreasBrömme, ArslanBusch, ChristophDamer, NaserDantcheva, AntitzaGomez-Barrero, MartaRaja, KiranRathgeb, ChristianSequeira, AnaUhl, Andreas2021-10-042021-10-042021978-3-88579-709-8 vein recognition deals with the recognition of subjects based on their venous pattern within the fingers. The majority of the available systems acquire the vein pattern using only a single camera. Such systems are susceptible to misplacements of the finger during acquisition, in particular longitudinal finger rotation poses a severe problem. Besides some hardware based approaches that try to avoid the misplacement in the first place, there are several software based solutions to counter fight longitudinal finger rotation. All of them use classical hand-crafted features. This work presents a novel approach to make CNNs robust to longitudinal finger rotation by training CNNs using finger vein images from varying perspectives.enFinger vein recognitionlongitudinal finger rotationrotation toleranceCNNRotation Tolerant Finger Vein Recognition using CNNsText/Conference Paper1617-5468