Schrapel, MaximilianBied, ManuelBruno, BarbaraVinel, Alexey2024-08-212024-08-212024 autonomous vehicles and smart infrastructure into urban traffic systems is a crucial component for the development of future cities. Therefore, effective public communication and early citizen involvement is essential to align expectations with the capabilities of novel technology. We propose to use point of view 360-degree videos in Virtual Reality to present potential technologies in early stages to stakeholders, accelerate design processes and to measure physiological responses. We demonstrate our proposed method by the use case of social robots using V2X communication and arm gestures for pedestrian traffic guidance at unsignalized intersections. Initial video recordings with the robot in traffic in a Wizard of Oz setting showed curiosity among pedestrians about the robot's use case.en RobotsV2XVirtual RealityTrafficVulnerable Road UserExperiencing Social Robots for Traffic Guidance using Virtual Reality VideosText/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2024-mci-demo-318